I read today that another Pill Mill was busted in Waverly, Ohio. The F.B.I. the D.E.A. and local L.E. were all involved in the arrest of 6 people, one of which is a doctor. I just finished my move to my elderly mother's home, so I was a bit behind on the news. I imagine two or more pill mills will open to replace the one recently busted. If I were a citizen of Waverly, I would be VERY NERVOUS right now. Unless you have lived through the agony of a non medically supervised withdrawl you have no idea of the maddness that accompanies withdrawl. The minutes turn to hours, the brain obsesses endlessly. Flu like symptoms come and go, as you fixate on getting "better" Some will turn to crimes, petty theft and robbery and so on. The functioning addicts may call in sick until they find another source, or buy from a new connection. Just maybe a lost soul will finally admit defeat and confide in somebody they trust to seek help. I cringe when I think of all the implications, lest I judge the addicts and fool myself into believing that I was never in their shoes. I just happened to be very lucky, and I thank GOD for watching over me during those tumultous years. I don't claim to have the answer, but just as prohibition created a black market for alcohol so do the drug laws of the United States.
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